Hello tribe!
Welcome to another episode of “we write you read” with your favorite amigos. Oftentimes we have told you “what to buy and what not to buy”, what’s new in the market, and how the features of our products make them so irresistible. So today let us do something different.
Today, let us tell you about the effectiveness of the one feature we always talk about.
How effective is IPX in reality?

To understand the effectiveness of IPX and IP ratings, we first need to know what is an IPX rating anyway? And why on Earth is it so important?
To go solely by knowledgeable terms and the internet: IP rating stands for 'Ingress Protection Rating' or even 'International Protection Rating'. However, if the IP rating has an X in front of it, then it determines that the device has not been tested against the entry of solid objects.

In fairly simple terms, an IPX or IP rating is nothing but numbers given to a particular product for its resistance towards water and dust. If ever you get in a situation where your Bollywood imagination of fighting villains in the rain comes to life, you will know for sure that at least your favorite gadget will come out of it unharmed. Or let’s say you want to groove in the rain like the lead actor of a KJo’s movie, you’d still know how many calories you burnt if your devices have a good IPX rating.

Basically what we are trying to explain is that your device, be it a smartwatch, earphones, or earbuds, will come out of the thunderstorm undefeated.
Still didn’t get it? Yes, we are being too poetic.
It is water-resistant guys!

In simplest terms, the ratings determine how much water and dust can a particular device resist. So if you want to hit the gym and sweat all the chocolate cake or a cheese burst pizza in one go, your IPX/IP rated devices will still be with you just like the force.
Now addressing how effective are these ratings?
If you choose a company that tells you the truth and doesn’t lie about the IPX/IP rating at all (like us), then the ratings are just as effective as mentioned.
The number after X in case of IPX and P in case of IP determines how resistant the device is to water and dust. The higher the number, the higher will be the resistance.

Now, this doesn’t mean that you go scuba diving with the electronics!
The products can only take water and pressure up to some level. The level varies according to the numbers on the rating. You can go underwater with an IPX7 rating but not more than half an hour and 3 feet in depth.
Similarly, the level of endurance will increase and decrease depending on the number of the rating.
So yes, boAtheads, the IPX/IP ratings are very effective and should be one of the key features that you look for while purchasing any electronic equipment.
By now your mug of coffee must’ve finished just like this article.
Let’s meet again tomorrow with a new learning and a hot mug of your favorite beverage!
Till then, adiós amigos!
Go check the products out and know them better, one step at a time.